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Thursday 16 March 2023

Identity Politics and Threats to National Progress in the 2024 Election Year


Indonesia is gearing up for the upcoming 2024 elections, and as expected, politicians have already begun to engage in political maneuvering. They have started to throw various issues around to discredit their political opponents. This is a typical occurrence during a political year, and unfortunately, there are groups of people who can easily be swayed by emotional and divisive issues.

Politicians often use sensitive topics such as race, religion, ethnicity, and communism to showcase their power and influence over the masses. Unfortunately, many voters do not prioritize integrity and progressive thinking when choosing their leaders. They fall for the same old tricks, and in the end, they are left with leaders who are unable to bring about meaningful change or progress.

After elections, there are two common outcomes. First, some voters may justify their lack of progress by convincing themselves that they do not need it. However, they may also complain that other communities that are progressing will benefit from new advancements in technology and society, leaving them behind.

Secondly, some voters may begin to blame external factors, such as oligarchs, global elites, or other countries, for their lack of progress. However, the truth is that if you are not intelligent, you will be controlled by those who are. If you have leaders who lack the ability to think progressively, you will continue to suffer, and your community will be left behind in the global landscape.

To entertain themselves, some people may turn to conspiracy theories as an escape from reality and to seek solutions to their problems. However, this is not a sustainable way to progress as a society.

It is time to stop tolerating politicians who only talk but fail to take action. We need leaders who are brave enough to take risks and make the right decisions for the betterment of society. We need to focus on developing a strong infrastructure, promoting education, and eradicating corruption. Only then can we achieve true prosperity.

To achieve this, we need smart and motivated individuals who are willing to take the necessary steps towards progress. Lazy and foolish individuals will never progress, and they will continue to suffer, much like the homeless population in developed countries. For those who are diligent but unintelligent, they may only become tools or workers who, no matter how hard they work, will always be under pressure and controlled by those who are intelligent. With the rapid advancement of technology, they may even be replaced by robots. It is important to recognize the value of education and strive for intellectual growth in order to avoid being left behind in an ever-changing world. Instead of being content with just working hard, individuals should also work on developing problem-solving skills and critical thinking.

It is time for the people of Indonesia to wake up and take charge of their future. We must prioritize progress and development if we are to achieve our goals and make Indonesia a prosperous and thriving nation. Let us hope that in the coming years, we will see more progress and a brighter future for Indonesia.

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